Available in the extensive range of Vitcas shop, the high-temperature oven adhesive is resistant to high temperatures, which can reach a maximum of 315 degrees Celsius. The product is distinguished by its exceptional sealing properties, making it widely used in various industries.
The professional high-temperature oven silicone was produced by the renowned Vitcas brand. The product is extremely flexible and exhibits excellent adhesion to a variety of surfaces, such as metal, wood or glass. It is easy to use. Use a silicone squeezer to apply the high-temperature oven glue product to the surface. Vitcas brand adhesives are sold in special tubes, with a capacity of 310 ml, which allow for instant application.
High-temperature oven glue – a premium product
Once applied, the high-temperature oven adhesive forms a uniform bond that is resistant to petrol, grease or sunlight. Full curing of the product, which is 3 mm thick, occurs after 24 hours. The product is black in colour. The recommended high-temperature oven silicone is used for sealing heating, cooling and air-conditioning equipment. The product is also used in the automotive industry, where it can replace traditional automotive gaskets.
See also:
High-temperature tape ideal for pipe connections and insulation
Heat-resistant tile adhesive
The high-quality high-temperature oven glue offered by the Vitcas shop is a high-performance exceptionally strong product. It provides the highest level of sealing.